With your missing two legs I'm happy with my missing one leg!!

Everyday is a chance to see the real part of live, to see how , we people get settled for something due to worst circumstances of others.
A Sunday afternoon, after studying, I was riding the bus 72 home, busy with my lone riding mine, when at the bus stop of  XVIII December a group of young girls got inside the bus. They were easily noticeable already from inside the bus. They had any kind of good dressing "for their taste". When they got inside the bus, one of them got my attention, she was a slim one, with a small skirt. The poor little girl tried her best to hide the pimples that besieged all her face. She used a lot of makeup creme but the number and dimensions of those pimples didn't let her to be unnoticed. As soon she sat, she turn her face far away from everybody and kept focusing on her cellphone even though she might not have any blame on her state she was feeling ashamed. Since life likes to laugh with us, at the next bus stop, a old man, with a problem I, myself couldn't understand got inside the bus. The old man, had no more than two teeth, but on top of that he had a problem with the articulation of his mouth, so He couldn't close, the mouth was continuously opening an closing and making a sound. Much more his mouth was make small maybe due this issue.
The funny thing about that, I told you life likes playing right?
the old man found a free sea only close to the poor little girl, at his first sound the girl burst out laughing forgetting about herself for a while.
I don't know which one was blessed in that day but at least for 10 second she forgot about her shame and mocks someone else. Nothing to praise but her reaction brought this sentence in my mind: " Your imperfections make my imperfection feeling alright".  Please don't misunderstand and think that your laziness make Lebron James greatness, Or Michael Jordan greatness alright but I think you've understood my point.
The absurd thing about this situation is that people comparing themselves to others never want them to have or to be more than them. A story a young man told me once goes like this.
 A man in his road one day met a man God, He talked and complained about his issues and all his unanswered prayers. The man of God, told him 
-" today his your lucky day, go and come back with one of your best friends". 
He run faster than the sun and came back faster the wind. The man of God sat them down and told him the secret of his luck. 
-" Today you can ask God anything, and he will grant them to you, God being so kind wants to give the double of whatever you ask to your best friend." 
There started all the trouble of the men, He couldn't find one thing he desires and allow his friend to have the double of that, so questioning the man of God again: "what will he get", the man of God replies " The double of everything you ask"
      The man says then, " tell God to remove one of my eyes"


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