Selma the movie (2014)

       My girlfriend got me watching this movie called, Selma. As I was able to read on Wikipedia, the story is all about the march of the doctor Martin Luther King between the city of Selma and Montgomery.
My line of thinking would sound outrageous to some of you but as I always say to people around me: " Judge  not what I think but how I think". So please restrain any unproductive judgment. 
Martin Luther King Jr, is a great man, a great preacher, a great man of God but I personally cannot bring myself to understand the logic around his deeds. Yes the man did a lot for our people, some of you may contest me. But did he really? I watching the movie and my mind rolled back to the reality of black people in America right now. We all know, how black people have been shooting down as birds by police in America today. So do you think something have changed? In the pass everybody can shoot a black man down and get away with it, now they just dress them up in some official clothes so you can know who shot and not be able to do nothing about. Let's analyze the movie itself.  Dr. King had his line of thinking: " do all we can for our people without violence" that's mean being able to take a shot, to be beaten, to have dogs bitting you while you're praising the lord. Who in his sane mind can do something like that? Did it  has to be like that? What pain much me, as you can see 
in this picture of the movie. He had our people walking a ling distance just to come and kneel down in front of the caucasians begging for our right to have have what was meant for us? Dr King in this scene was standing there and old man was being beaten by the police, He didn't move an inch, he didn't even shot out something to show compassion for this old man. Only the old lady Anni Lee Cooper (Oprah Winfrey) who had enough of that violence had responded. You might want to tell me that Dr. King was free of hatred, or, he had a total self control that I cannot understand. I thank you if this your answer, because I, Simon Juste, don't want to understand it. If you fight for someone you must be able to love that person, isn't that Christianity teaches?
Was it really necessary for the black slave to fight to leave the field in order to become an house slave? Would you contest this? You know that black people nowadays are more than slave. Let's me give you a simple example. I love basketball, and almost every black people like basketball too, but when I watch a basketball game, there more black people playing than black people watching. What I'm saying is that, our people have fought only o become the entertainers of  our bullies. They have allowed us in their house only to be their servants. So tell me, how far this fight walking, this singing, this letting ourselves to be bitten, beaten has got us? The movie has tried to paint us some caucasians heroes, one of them was the president, but I hope that some of you, had eyes wild open enough to see and understand where discrimination has started. At the beginning of the movie Oprah Winfrey was filling a form for her right to vote. In that form after all the questions. They ask you to put your race. Please help me understand how in earth is relevant a person race in order for him to vote? From the first moment the administration make compulsory to indicate the person race it baptized racism itself. 
Malcom X, has understood it before Dr. King so they took him out first, seems that to live long enough in this society of racism, if you're black it's better not speaking your mind. Dr. King may have done a lot for his people but he has deprived them of something very essential. "their dignity". I personally in this millennium believe that, there will be equality only when black people will have equal economic power, and so far we are not able to do that because we sang too much and settled for the leftover.  
At this point you'll be wondering what was my solution? The New testament is great but the Old testament is human. To deal with human, you go to be human. In Europe in the recent years they have a special way of going about any injustice towards them.
For any sort violence, injustice, perpetrated against them, the medias,  will talk, describe, the underline the event, they will make it an atrocity, they will make it a crime against humanity. In Meantime the church (who has alway taught) would keep quiet. When the common people are fed up, when they look bloody, then the politicians will bring out their initial plan " military retaliation" . Don't get me wrong, I was just clearing my mind.
(I'll get back to it soon) 


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