
Showing posts from 2021


I have had my driving license for more than a decade now but for different reasons I haven‘t been driving. Few months ago, live circumstances forced me to, so I have started driving once again. As you all could guessed, decade of non-driving has its effects on me. I have been shaky, afraid, and not sure on many different things on the road. And of course, some inpatients drivers do not hesitate to honk me reminding of my inadequacy whenever I’m going to slow according to their standards or making some errors on the road. Now that I’m almost back to normal driving, my body get relaxed, so did eyes too. I can see the surrounding of the road, or detect a possible error from the GPS. As my body get relaxed my mind became active. Today as I was driving, I was able to notice the multiple cars in front of me and even those ones my side. The cars had the same direction but not same destinations. They were mostly different. For sure some cars were the same models but most of the cars were dif...


  Earl Nightingale got me quite interested in his audio cassettes. In his cassette self-esteem and courage, he narrates this short story: There’s a story about a man hunting tigers in India, who was suddenly surprised by a huge Bengal tiger—it was almost on top of him. The man raised his rifle and fired, but he overshot and missed. The tiger, frightened by the man and thrown off stride by the noise of the gun, leaped toward the hunter. But the leap was too wide, and he missed his prey… The story does not end here but we’ll get to it very soon. He got me thinking about the ways we approach life circumstances and the consequent results. I remember back in the days in my adolescent life in Africa, precisely in Ivory Coast. I was living with my uncle in a small building of 3 floors. My auntie was into any kind of small business in order to improve the family incomes. So, in that house we were selling all sort of juices, cakes, ice and more. We were living at the second floor. Rig...


  It has been almost two months since my last article and surely you were waiting for a particular article I’ve mentioned previously. As you know I like to give free flow to my dominant inspiration. Two stories got me thinking hard these days. So, bear with me in these stories as we reflect and think together.   One morning in August 1919 seventeen-year-old Milton Erickson awoke to discover parts of his body suddenly paralyzed. Over the next few days the paralysis spread. He was soon diagnosed with polio, a near epidemic at the time. As he lay in bed, he heard his mother in another room discussing his case with two specialists the family had called in. Assuming Erickson was asleep, one of the doctors told her, “The boy will be dead by morning.” His mother came into his room, clearly trying to disguise her grief, unaware that her son had overhead the conversation. Erickson kept asking her to move the chest of drawers near his bed over here, over there. She thought he was delus...


  Some of my usual readers were for sure waiting up for the follow up of my article “ Rest before you get tired ”. Don’t worry, I will get back to it soon, meanwhile follow me on this trip my mind took me while jogging. Some of you remember my exploit of running 21 km as kick off of the year 2021. The week after I was able to run 22 km. How did I do that? Well, the result is the application of different techniques, one of them is for sure the principle of rest before you get tired . And the subject of this article. It might seem deeper and a sort of awakening but stick with me and you will be saying things like:   Ah I knew it; It happened to me before; That’s so true etc... Your parents remember for sure the day you took your first steps. They might even laugh at you now as they see how independent you’ve become as they compared you to the trembling person at his first steps. That time your memory maybe was not active yet, still after the first day you took your first...


   I found recently a book so interested that I even went on to listen the audiobook. The book is titled  "how to stop worrying and start living"  by Dale Carnegie  Before I get further into the story let me tell you how deep the message got into me. While I was reading the chapter "rest before you get tired" , I had to stop a bit and remember my grand-mother. The young lady is about 98 years now, you could imagine that she was conventionally already an old lady when I was growing up. This book dug out of me the memory of her.  You might not know but for us young African growing up in the rural area life was divided into two sessions. During school sessions we were in school and in summer times (well Africa is always in summer time), let's say in holiday sessions we were in the villages doing any kind of activities trying to raise up the money for the school sessions, just think of the fable of Aesop: "The Ant and the Grasshopper" and you'll ...

The year of self re-definition

  The clock is ticking and this famous year is rolling down. I can imagine people from every corner of the world saying that this year is finally over. It seems that we have been rubbed by this guest that we willingly welcomed almost a year ago. Do you remember how hopeful were you back then? The things you were dreaming for yourself? How amazing the upcoming will be for you? What about the deceptions, you’ve decided to leave behind in 2019? What about the pains you said to yourself that you are going to leave forever? The loved ones that you have lost, and you’ve decided to live a happy year for them? This picture in my opinion could be the summary of 2020 for many people I, myself included. It got me questioning myself, what is it that make life different? What is that element that defines life? I would like to know what is that thing that bring change in people life? A wiseman man once said:   “Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans”. ...