The Refugee we deny ourselves to be

       It was really a joke that I have had with a friend of mine in our way back from the university. But my storming mind does not want to let it go, so here I am, writing what it has to say.

In my first days here in Germany I've met a guy from Ethiopia at the train station of Rosenheim. We've chatted for about half an hour before each us went for his destination. I was lucky enough to get a true story form this friend.

He came all the way from his country to reach finally this place.
From his country travelling by car, and other local mean he has managed to reach the Libyan coast. After several weeks waiting for his chance to be boarded, he was finally boarded in a very small boat (I think you all know the story), he has reached Italy, precisely in Sicily, after a long stay there he made it to Germany, here he said, he's having a decent life.
But wherever he goes, there's one big scar on his face, that he does not know how to get rid of it. Surprised by this affirmation, I looked again on his face, I didn't see  anything, so I've just laughed,  ''man which scar are you talking about?''
He turned his face to me, staring me straight in the eyes, and there I have understood, I didn't need anymore explanation.
In case you're wondering about which scar, he was taking about, I tell you straight away. Is simply the big cut, called ''Refugee''.

I've read somewhere, that ''....... in others we see the reflection of our emotions'' assuming this to be true, I want you to stay with  me for its proof.
But first allow me to take you into this mind trip.
The word '' refugee'' has its origin in the French world from 1680 '' refugiĆ©'' which has the meaning  "to take shelter, protect," or "one seeking asylum," till 1914 which then evolved to mean "one fleeing home"
Considering the first definition of the word, meaning ''to  take shelter, protect'', so if you understand very well the definition of these words, you will agree with me that we are all refugees in life. We're refugees in:
  1. In family: this is the place we all find shelter, is the place where orphelins find shelter, protection and possibilly  also love. The place where we learn that we come from someone and someone will always be there for us.
  2. In relationships: let it be love, friendships, we are all running  from the feeling of being incomplete, the sensation of being umcomputed, the continuous feeling of "something is missing". That's something inside of us that tell us that something is missing, we're in search of the shelter.
  3. In work: let it be your job, your studies, these are just another forms of running towards something that our inner part it's missing. We're searching for an identity or an additional identity, we're looking for ways to express ourselves.´The job, the major that will make us stand erect and proud saying I am that, I am this... Where shame fades away in pubblic and we speak loudly enough for people to know that we're someone important. I call it the shelter of society.
  4. In Style: Just think about how many clothes people put on only to seems like someone important
  5. In Sport: Just think about all those athletes you, and ask yourself "how would I see them if they were not that or this athlete?"
I could go on making an infinite list but I guess so far you all can understand me. We're all refugees in life, the only difference some of us get the chance to be called doctors, judges, nurses, professor and not refugees.
The system of this world feed people all over the world with needs that are not local. Your dreams is no longer your dreams is no longer yours, they're implanted in you. You dream of the dreams, dreamed for you by the master of dreams, So you think as he wants you to think, you have needs that it provide for you and while you're high there dreaming of the impossible the ground below you is being removed. You find out that there's no land for you to land on. You became a man of no land but filled with dreams.
So you have to go. But you can not go, because a man of no land is not of interest of anybody, your value is measured by the value of your land. It will take another lifetime to rediscover yourselves so you choose to be a refugee not because you want but it is what you became without knowing it.

So anytime you meet a refugee before looking down on him, just ask yourself<
  1. " how different am I from him?
  2. Why am I up earlier to go to that job?
  3. Why am I striving that much?
And you will find that we're all human being looking  for a secure shelter. So before letting your imagination puting a scar on his face could see the hand stretched out to you?

 After all, We are all refugees.

                                                                                                               Simon Juste


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