I’ve become a father few months ago. As the months pass and my son becomes active, I too became an active parent. With my child going around all over the places and trying to put everything in his mouth I’m supposed to be the vigilant agent. My son crawls so fast that I have to jump to catch him on time before he falls. He stands on his own by grabbing anything available. Sometimes even my own bears pay the price of a ladder. As I watch my son moves and me being in his ways the title of this article struck me. For those of you who have babies or have seen babies growing up, you will agree with me that babies have no fear at all. They do not know neither care about obstacles. They only know and see what they want to take. If my son sees something on the sofa that he wants to take. He run and jump to take it, no mater what stands on his way. He might fell down if I fail to catch him. He will cry and I’d be consoling him but soon after the pain passed, my boy is back to his in...