
Showing posts from February, 2015

Selma the movie (2014)

       My girlfriend got me watching this movie called, Selma. As I was able to read on Wikipedia, the story is all about the march of the doctor Martin Luther King between the city of Selma and Montgomery. My line of thinking would sound outrageous to some of you but as I always say to people around me: " Judge  not what I think but how I think". So please restrain any unproductive judgment.  Martin Luther King Jr, is a great man, a great preacher, a great man of God but I personally cannot bring myself to understand the logic around his deeds. Yes the man did a lot for our people, some of you may contest me. But did he really? I watching the movie and my mind rolled back to the reality of black people in America right now. We all know, how black people have been shooting down as birds by police in America today. So do you think something have changed? In the pass everybody can shoot a black man down and get away with it, now they just dress them up ...

With your missing two legs I'm happy with my missing one leg!!

Everyday is a chance to see the real part of live, to see how , we people get settled for something due to worst circumstances of others. A Sunday afternoon, after studying, I was riding the bus 72 home, busy with my lone riding mine, when at the bus stop of  XVIII December a group of young girls got inside the bus. They were easily noticeable already from inside the bus. They had any kind of good dressing "for their taste". When they got inside the bus, one of them got my attention, she was a slim one, with a small skirt. The poor little girl tried her best to hide the pimples that besieged all her face. She used a lot of makeup creme but the number and dimensions of those pimples didn't let her to be unnoticed. As soon she sat, she turn her face far away from everybody and kept focusing on her cellphone even though she might not have any blame on her state she was feeling ashamed. Since life likes to laugh with us, at the next bus stop, a old man, with a problem I,...

Il " Mi piace di Facebook"

Comincio il mio blog con i miei pensieri che voglio svuotare. Ed uno di questi è il "Mi piace di Facebook". Tutti quanti l'avremmo messo una volta ogni tanto ma la cosa di cui vi sto per parlare è la dipendenza da questo.  Incontri un'amico, parlate per un po' e ti fa,  "Ho caricato una mia foto delle vacanze"   tu rispondi, eh si!! molto carine. Dove sei stato?  E la sua risposta: Come mai non hai messo "Mi piace" L'argomento è molto importante e per capirlo dobbiamo capire anche la società in cui viviamo. La gente è in continuo ricerca di consenso, di approvazione, la gente vuole essere apprezzata. E come se tutta la sua vita dipendesse dal parere di un'altra persona. La gente purtroppo non si specchia più davanti allo specchio per apprezzarsi ma si chiede: " Cosa diranno" e che "cosa penseranno". E quando si vede davanti allo specchio, non vede se stessa ma vede ciò che le hanno detto.  La ricerca...