Life is fed by life.

     I know that, what I'm about to say might confuse you but before you say anything just think about it.

Just stop for a second and let your analytical mind take over.

Have you ever thought about it? From the first moment of creation of the human being, two life are added through subtraction to one single result of a multiplication. In simple words, life has been subtracted from two humans and converted into one single human that we commonly call baby.

This embryo starts feeding inside the woman, subtracting life substances until his time arrive and he's given birth.

Once born he keeps on feeding on the mother life by sucking directly through the woman breasts. Have you thought about why is the mother milk the richest food the new born can have? Simple because it the result of life transformation.

When the embryo reaches the age where he cannot no longer be feed directly by another life, meaning another human being, a new process starts, a quest for the life substance. This where, common food is used.

But look inside your plate, what do you see? Can't you see what I'm talking about? If you look very closely you see that your plate is full of a lot of life. In our daily meal we take inside a lot of life in order for us to stay alive, you understand why I say life is fed by life?

But is your meal enough? There is one small problem when the life are boiled they lose a certain percentage of life, the longer you boiled them, the higher percentage of life you lose.

Think about it, why do you think vegetables are one of the best food?

Simply because they are fresh, they contain higher percentage of natural life.

What about not cooked fish, meat or half cooked meat? History has proven that populations feeding themselves in such way live longer and are rarely affected by diseases.

Why do you think people were living longer than we do now even though we have all these advanced scientific way of curing, while in the past they didn't have any of them?

I know what you\re thinking, you might be questioning me about the African people eating biological food and still getting sick. Well I just want you to know that there's one thing. we call globalization. Because of it non-life containing food travels the world, and when it reaches Africa it is worse than non-biological food.

But if you're curious enough to go into Africa, by into Africa I mean, deep inside the Africa, where people live with a great understanding of life principles, where they feed themselves principally with self-cultivated food, you will notice a lot of old people and young wealthy boys running around. The same goes for Indonesia and some other part of the world.

Talking about this of observation of mine, she mentioned  something very important  that I add here:

"I know that in the motherland or in the diaspora, black people practicing  the  spirituality, before cutting a tree or hunting animals, they say something to be grateful to the tree or the animal when they are about to take their lives to be able to keep living."

Just think about it, why do you think that in most western part of world where people has the highest availability of food, we see obesity and some other diseases?  They eat food but not life, their food has a really lower concentration of life, and sometimes it contains none. So their body do not find in their feeding the right percentage of life necessary to function correctly.

I can go on and on but I guess your imagination has already got the clue of this observation of mine and next time you eat count the life you eat and if you can save some just do it.

Life is fed by life and you know it too.

                                                                           Simon Juste


  1. I think It`s a very nice and poetic observation! I totally agree with you.
    Personally, since I`m no poet, this could be also said in other words too: energy needs energy. Life of human being is a cluster of various types of energy. It`s not stable, it tends to decrease in quantity. So in order to compensate it, we need additional energy - food, which is some kind of life form. I understand energy as the existence, no energy - no existence. Existence is also - the life.
    Everything that happens around us or with us is the product of the change of energies from one type to other type.

    1. Well this is a very accurate way to say it!! You've made it think about it deeper, and while talking to a friend, She has mentioned something about the old African spirituality

      "I know that in the motherland or in the diaspora, black people practicing the spirituality, before cutting a tree or hunting animals, they say something to be grateful to the tree or the animal when they are about to take their lives to be able to keep living."

      And this is something that goes in our same direction.
      Thank for sharing your mind.


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