Some of my usual readers were for sure waiting up for the follow up of my article “ Rest before you get tired ”. Don’t worry, I will get back to it soon, meanwhile follow me on this trip my mind took me while jogging. Some of you remember my exploit of running 21 km as kick off of the year 2021. The week after I was able to run 22 km. How did I do that? Well, the result is the application of different techniques, one of them is for sure the principle of rest before you get tired . And the subject of this article. It might seem deeper and a sort of awakening but stick with me and you will be saying things like: Ah I knew it; It happened to me before; That’s so true etc... Your parents remember for sure the day you took your first steps. They might even laugh at you now as they see how independent you’ve become as they compared you to the trembling person at his first steps. That time your memory maybe was not active yet, still after the first day you took your first...