
Showing posts from November, 2015

Life is fed by life.

     I know that, what I'm about to say might confuse you but before you say anything just think about it. Just stop for a second and let your analytical mind take over. Have you ever thought about it? From the first moment of creation of the human being, two life are added through subtraction to one single result of a multiplication. In simple words, life has been subtracted from two humans and converted into one single human that we commonly call baby. This embryo starts feeding inside the woman, subtracting life substances until his time arrive and he's given birth. Once born he keeps on feeding on the mother life by sucking directly through the woman breasts. Have you thought about why is the mother milk the richest food the new born can have? Simple because it the result of life transformation. When the embryo reaches the age where he cannot no longer be feed directly by another life, meaning another human being, a new process st...