It has been almost two months since my last article and surely you were waiting for a particular article I’ve mentioned previously. As you know I like to give free flow to my dominant inspiration. Two stories got me thinking hard these days. So, bear with me in these stories as we reflect and think together. One morning in August 1919 seventeen-year-old Milton Erickson awoke to discover parts of his body suddenly paralyzed. Over the next few days the paralysis spread. He was soon diagnosed with polio, a near epidemic at the time. As he lay in bed, he heard his mother in another room discussing his case with two specialists the family had called in. Assuming Erickson was asleep, one of the doctors told her, “The boy will be dead by morning.” His mother came into his room, clearly trying to disguise her grief, unaware that her son had overhead the conversation. Erickson kept asking her to move the chest of drawers near his bed over here, over there. She thought he was delus...