World cup Russia 2018: first round of extra times, flopping and...
It has been two years since my last post and I might have not been here writing if desired situations have gone the way I hoped them to go. But this is life and it goes on nonetheless. So I find myself in this summer 2018 watching football. I should admit first that I'm not a football fan, I become one only at the highest platform, continental cups or in this case world cups. Since not a fan I am quite selective about the games to watch and very critical. Let me not lie, sometimes i get emotional too. So the games of the extra-minutes, Being myself inclined to certain type of literature my mind during those games merged certain knowledge with what I was seeing. Indeed in that line I remembered Napoleon Hill, whom in his book "Think and grow rich" had as one of the major principals one that stated "Always go the extra mile": I remembered also a great poem heard first from the great motivator Less brown and has become my phone screen picture since then....